Amy’s yellow v-neck sweater and striped pants on Good Morning America

  • Pin itAmy’s yellow v-neck sweater and striped pants on Good Morning America

Picture: ABC

Outfit Details

Sweater: Pamela V Neck Sweater by Rag & Bone

Pants: Striped Crop Flare Pants by Derek Lam

Worn by: Amy Robach
Posted on: November 11, 2019
Posted by: Mina
Tags: Good Morning America Amy Robach

Also worn on

Sylvie’s yellow v-neck sweater on Chicago Fire

Shop This Style

Rag  amp  Bone Pamela V Neck Sweater at ShopbopShopbop$275 $137.50exact match
Rag  amp  Bone Pamela V-Neck Merino Wool Sweater at Neiman MarcusNeiman Marcus$275 $123exact match
Rag  amp  Bone - Pamela Merino Wool Knit V-Neck Sweater at Saks Fifth AvenueSaks Fifth Avenue$275 $109.99exact match
Derek Lam - Striped Crop Flare Pants at Saks Off 5thSaks Off 5th$350 $139.99exact match

Outfit Images

Pamela V Neck Sweater by Rag & Bone worn by Amy Robach on Good Morning America

Pamela V Neck Sweater by Rag & Bone worn by Amy Robach on Good Morning America

Striped Crop Flare Pants by Derek Lam worn by Amy Robach on Good Morning America

Striped Crop Flare Pants by Derek Lam worn by Amy Robach on Good Morning America

Amy Robach on Good Morning America on ABC was spotted wearing this yellow v-neck sweater and striped pants on Good Morning America on Nov 11 2019's episode. Amy's Sweater is the Pamela V Neck Sweater by Rag & Bone . Amy's Pants is the Striped Crop Flare Pants by Derek Lam.