Rachel Lindsay’s pink and orange coat on Good Morning America

  • Pin itRachel Lindsay’s pink and orange coat on Good Morning America

Picture: ABC

Outfit Details

Coat: Tomiko Rversible Coat by Alice + Olivia

Posted on: March 18, 2020
Posted by: Mina
Tags: Good Morning America

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tomiko coat at Alice and OliviaAlice and Olivia $695exact match
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Outfit Images

Tomiko Rversible Coat by Alice + Olivia worn by Rachel Lindsay on GMA

Tomiko Rversible Coat by Alice + Olivia worn by Rachel Lindsay on GMA

on Good Morning America on ABC was spotted wearing this pink and orange coat on Good Morning America on Mar 18 2020's episode. 's Coat is the Tomiko Rversible Coat by Alice + Olivia.