Mary’s yellow ribbed sweater and sequin jeans on Batwoman

  • Pin itMary’s yellow ribbed sweater and sequin jeans on Batwoman

Picture: The CW

Outfit Details

Sweater: Plaited Knitted Space Dye Sweater by Topshop

Pants: Sequin Jeans by Frame

Worn on: Batwoman episode "If You Believe in Me, I'll Believe in You" - 1x18
Worn by: Mary Hamilton played by Nicole Kang
Posted on: May 5, 2020
Posted by: Mina
Tags: Batwoman Mary Hamilton

Shop This Style

FRAME Sequin Jeans at ShopbopShopbop$350 $175exact match
Sequin Jeans by Frame at Saks Fifth AvenueSaks Fifth Avenue$350 $175exact match
FRAME sequinned ripped jeans sequinned ripped jeans at FarfetchFarfetch $392exact match

Outfit Images

Plaited Knitted Space Dye Sweater by Topshop worn by Mary Hamilton (Nicole Kang) on Batwoman

Plaited Knitted Space Dye Sweater by Topshop worn by Mary Hamilton (Nicole Kang) on Batwoman

Sequin Jeans by Frame worn by Mary Hamilton (Nicole Kang) on Batwoman

Sequin Jeans by Frame worn by Mary Hamilton (Nicole Kang) on Batwoman

Mary Hamilton (played by Nicole Kang) on Batwoman on The CW was spotted wearing this yellow ribbed sweater and sequin jeans on Batwoman on episode 'If You Believe in Me, I'll Believe in You' (1x18) in May 2020. Mary's Sweater is the Plaited Knitted Space Dye Sweater by Topshop . Mary's Pants is the Sequin Jeans by Frame.