Gayle King’s tie dye dress for John Krasinski interview on CBS This Morning

  • Pin itGayle King’s tie dye dress for John Krasinski interview on CBS This Morning

Picture: CBS

Outfit Details

Dress: Paper Rainbow Dress by The Elder Statesman

Worn by: Gayle King
Posted on: May 26, 2021
Posted by: Linda
Tags: CBS Mornings Gayle King

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The Elder Statesman  Paper Rainbow Dress at SSENSESSENSE$520 $385exact match
The Elder Statesman  Paper Rainbow Dress at Net a PorterNet a Porter $445exact match

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The Elder Statesman  Paper Rainbow Dress worn by Gayle King on CBS Mornings

The Elder Statesman Paper Rainbow Dress worn by Gayle King on CBS Mornings

Gayle King on CBS Mornings on CBS was spotted wearing this tie dye dress for John Krasinski interview on CBS This Morning on May 26 2021's episode. Gayle's Dress is the Paper Rainbow Dress by The Elder Statesman.