Sarah’s blue and black checked sweater on The Republic of Sarah

  • Pin itSarah’s blue and black checked sweater on The Republic of Sarah

Picture: The CW

Outfit Details

Sweater: Gabby Sweater by Rag & Bone

Worn on: The Republic of Sarah episode "Pilot" - 1x01
Worn by: Sarah Cooper played by Stella Baker
Posted on: June 16, 2021
Posted by: Linda
Tags: The Republic of Sarah Sarah Cooper

Also worn on

Darby’s blue check sweater and shearling jacket on Love Life
Betty’s blue checked v-neck sweater and sherpa trim jacket on Riverdale
Whitney’s blue checked sweater on The Sex Lives of College Girls

Shop This Style

Rag  amp  Bone Gabby Plaid V-Neck Sweater at Neiman MarcusNeiman Marcus $350exact match


Outfit Images

Rag & Bone Gabby Sweater worn by Sarah Cooper (Stella Baker) on The Republic of Sarah

Rag & Bone Gabby Sweater worn by Sarah Cooper (Stella Baker) on The Republic of Sarah

Sarah Cooper (played by Stella Baker) on The Republic of Sarah on The CW was spotted wearing this blue and black checked sweater on The Republic of Sarah on episode 'Pilot' (1x01) in Jun 2021. Sarah's Sweater is the Gabby Sweater by Rag & Bone.