Jake’s tiger printed tracksuit on Brooklyn Nine-Nine

  • Pin itJake’s tiger printed tracksuit on Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Picture: NBC

Outfit Details

Tracksuit: Victorious Royal Floral Tiger Track Suit by G-Style

Shoes: Blazer Mid 77 Sneakers by Nike

Worn on: Brooklyn Nine-Nine episode "PB&J" - 8x05
Worn by: Jake Peralta played by Andy Samberg
Posted on: August 26, 2021
Posted by: Steph
Tags: Brooklyn Nine-Nine Jake Peralta

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Victorious Royal Floral Tiger Track Suit at WalmartWalmart $60.95exact match


Outfit Images

Victorious Royal Floral Tiger Track Suit by G-Style worn by Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg) on Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Victorious Royal Floral Tiger Track Suit by G-Style worn by Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg) on Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Blazer Mid 77 Sneakers by Nike worn by Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg) on Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Blazer Mid 77 Sneakers by Nike worn by Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg) on Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Jake Peralta (played by Andy Samberg) on Brooklyn Nine-Nine on NBC was spotted wearing this tiger printed tracksuit on Brooklyn Nine-Nine on episode 'PB&J' (8x05) in Aug 2021. Jake's Tracksuit is the Victorious Royal Floral Tiger Track Suit by G-Style . Jake's Shoes is the Blazer Mid 77 Sneakers by Nike.