Allie’s pink striped cropped cardigan and floral skirt on Days of our Lives

  • Pin itAllie’s  pink striped cropped cardigan and floral skirt on Days of our Lives

Picture: Peacock

Outfit Details

Sweater: Space Dye Short Sleeve Crop Cardigan by BP

Skirt: Alsop Midi Skirt by Samsoe Samsoe

Worn by: Alice Caroline Horton played by Lindsay Arnold
Posted on: October 12, 2021
Posted by: Mina
Tags: Days of our Lives Alice Caroline Horton

Shop This Style

Space Dye Short Sleeve Crop Cardigan at NordstromNordstrom $29exact match
Alsop Midi Skirt at NordstromNordstrom $160exact match

Outfit Images

Space Dye Short Sleeve Crop Cardigan by BP worn by Alice Caroline Horton (Lindsay Arnold) on Days of our Lives

Space Dye Short Sleeve Crop Cardigan by BP worn by Alice Caroline Horton (Lindsay Arnold) on Days of our Lives

Alsop Midi Skirt by Samsoe Samsoe worn by Alice Caroline Horton (Lindsay Arnold) on Days of our Lives

Alsop Midi Skirt by Samsoe Samsoe worn by Alice Caroline Horton (Lindsay Arnold) on Days of our Lives

Alice Caroline Horton (played by Lindsay Arnold) on Days of our Lives on Peacock was spotted wearing this pink striped cropped cardigan and floral skirt on Days of our Lives on Oct 12 2021's episode. Allie's Sweater is the Space Dye Short Sleeve Crop Cardigan by BP . Allie's Skirt is the Alsop Midi Skirt by Samsoe Samsoe.