Christian’s black tie dye blazer on The Kings of Napa

  • Pin itChristian’s black tie dye blazer on The Kings of Napa
  • Pin itChristian’s black tie dye blazer on The Kings of Napa
Christian’s black tie dye blazer on The Kings of NapaChristian’s black tie dye blazer on The Kings of Napa

Picture: OWN

Outfit Details

Suit: Tie Dye Blazer by Dries van Noten

Worn on: The Kings of Napa episode "Dear Wine People" - 1x04
Worn by: Christian King played by Ashlee Brian
Posted on: February 2, 2022
Posted by: Steph
Tags: The Kings of Napa Christian King

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Outfit Images

Tie Dye Blazer by Dries van Noten worn by Christian King (Ashlee Brian) on The Kings of Napa

Tie Dye Blazer by Dries van Noten worn by Christian King (Ashlee Brian) on The Kings of Napa

Christian King (played by Ashlee Brian) on The Kings of Napa on OWN was spotted wearing this black tie dye blazer on The Kings of Napa on episode 'Dear Wine People' (1x04) in Feb 2022. Christian's Suit is the Tie Dye Blazer by Dries van Noten.