Claire’s brown blazer and pants on Tom Swift

  • Pin itClaire’s brown blazer and pants on Tom Swift

Picture: The CW

Outfit Details

Jacket: Single-Breasted Slim-Cut Blazer by LVIR (different buttons)

Pants: Slim-Fit High-Waisted Trousers by LVIR

Worn on: Tom Swift episode "...And Nine Inches of Danger" - 1x03
Worn by: Claire Cormier played by Brittany Ishibashi
Posted on: June 15, 2022
Posted by: Mina
Tags: Tom Swift Claire Cormier

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Single Breasted Slim Cut Blazer by LVIR at Net A PorterNet A Porter $570similarsame brand

Outfit Images

Single-Breasted Slim-Cut Blazer by LVIR worn by Claire Cormier (Brittany Ishibashi) on Tom Swift

Single-Breasted Slim-Cut Blazer by LVIR worn by Claire Cormier (Brittany Ishibashi) on Tom Swift

Slim-Fit High-Waisted Trousers by LVIR worn by Claire Cormier (Brittany Ishibashi) on Tom Swift

Slim-Fit High-Waisted Trousers by LVIR worn by Claire Cormier (Brittany Ishibashi) on Tom Swift

Claire Cormier (played by Brittany Ishibashi) on Tom Swift on The CW was spotted wearing this brown blazer and pants on Tom Swift on episode '...And Nine Inches of Danger' (1x03) in Jun 2022. Claire's Jacket is the Single-Breasted Slim-Cut Blazer by LVIR . Claire's Pants is the Slim-Fit High-Waisted Trousers by LVIR.