Kelly’s pink blazer and cropped pants on Generation Gap

  • Pin itKelly’s pink blazer and cropped pants on Generation Gap

Picture: ABC

Outfit Details

Jacket: Single-Breasted Tailored Blazer Jacket by Alexander McQueen

Pants: Straight Cropped Trousers by Alexander McQueen

Shoes: Tamila Velvet Platform Sandal by Christian Louboutin

Worn by: Kelly Ripa
Posted on: August 13, 2022
Posted by: Mina
Tags: Generation Gap Kelly Ripa

Also worn on

Dr. Kellyann Petrucci’s fuchsia blazer on Good Morning America

Shop This Style

Tailored Blazer Jacket by Alexander McQueen  at ForwardForward $2350exact match
Alexander McQueen Single-Breasted Tailored Blazer Jacket - at Bergdorf GoodmanBergdorf Goodman $2350exact match
Shop Alexander McQueen straight cropped trousers with Express Delivery - at FarfetchFarfetch$870 $351exact match
Alexander McQueen High Waisted Pants in Bobby Pink  FWRD at ForwardForward$1090 $763exact match
Christian Louboutin Tamila 140 Velvet Platform Sandal  at BlueflyBluefly $995exact match

Outfit Images

Alexander McQueen Single-Breasted Tailored Blazer Jacket worn by Kelly Ripa on Generation Gap

Alexander McQueen Single-Breasted Tailored Blazer Jacket worn by Kelly Ripa on Generation Gap

Alexander McQueen Straight Cropped Trousers worn by Kelly Ripa on Generation Gap

Alexander McQueen Straight Cropped Trousers worn by Kelly Ripa on Generation Gap

Christian Louboutin Tamila Velvet Platform Sandal worn by Kelly Ripa on Generation Gap

Christian Louboutin Tamila Velvet Platform Sandal worn by Kelly Ripa on Generation Gap

Kelly Ripa on Generation Gap on ABC was spotted wearing this pink blazer and cropped pants on Generation Gap on Aug 13 2022's episode. Kelly's Jacket is the Single-Breasted Tailored Blazer Jacket by Alexander McQueen . Kelly's Pants is the Straight Cropped Trousers by Alexander McQueen . Kelly's Shoes is the Tamila Velvet Platform Sandal by Christian Louboutin.