Rachel’s grey cutout sweatshirt on The Bachelorette

  • Pin itRachel’s grey cutout sweatshirt on The Bachelorette

Picture: ABC

Outfit Details

Sweater: Quincy Sweatshirt by Rails

Worn on: The Bachelorette episode "Week 10" - 19x10
Worn by: Rachel Recchia
Posted on: September 7, 2022
Posted by: Mina
Tags: The Bachelorette Rachel Recchia

Shop This Style

Rails Quincy Cutout Sweatshirt in Heather Grey Size Small at NordstromNordstrom$148 $59.20exact match
Rails Quincy Cutout Sweatshirt in Winter White Size Medium at NordstromNordstrom$148 $88.80similarsame brand

Outfit Images

Rails Quincy Sweatshirt worn by Rachel Recchia on The Bachelorette

Rails Quincy Sweatshirt worn by Rachel Recchia on The Bachelorette

Rachel Recchia on The Bachelorette on ABC was spotted wearing this grey cutout sweatshirt on The Bachelorette on episode 'Week 10' (19x10) in Sep 2022. Rachel's Sweater is the Quincy Sweatshirt by Rails.