Robin’s grey plaid blazer and blue pants on Good Morning America

  • Pin itRobin’s grey plaid blazer and blue pants on Good Morning America

Picture: ABC

Outfit Details

Jacket: Plaid Pressed Wool Blazer by Michael Kors

Pants: High-Waisted Flared Trousers by Michael Kors

Worn by: Robin Roberts
Posted on: February 16, 2023
Posted by: Mina
Tags: Good Morning America Robin Roberts

Also worn on

Robin’s grey and blue plaid blazer on Good Morning America

Shop This Style

Michael Kors Plaid Pressed Wool Blazer at NordstromNordstrom$1395 $557.98exact match

Outfit Images

Michael Kors Plaid Pressed Wool Blazer worn by Robin Roberts on Good Morning America

Michael Kors Plaid Pressed Wool Blazer worn by Robin Roberts on Good Morning America

Michael Kors High-Waisted Flared Trousers worn by Robin Roberts on Good Morning America

Michael Kors High-Waisted Flared Trousers worn by Robin Roberts on Good Morning America

Robin Roberts on Good Morning America on ABC was spotted wearing this grey plaid blazer and blue pants on Good Morning America on Feb 16 2023's episode. Robin's Jacket is the Plaid Pressed Wool Blazer by Michael Kors . Robin's Pants is the High-Waisted Flared Trousers by Michael Kors.