Jodi Picoult’s orange top and floral pants on Good Morning America

  • Pin itJodi  Picoult’s orange top and floral pants on Good Morning America

Picture: ABC

Outfit Details

Top: Silky Scoop Blouse by Anthropologie

Pants: Floral Trousers by Moxy Collective

Worn by: Jodi Lynn Picoult
Posted on: March 27, 2023
Posted by: Mina
Tags: Good Morning America Jodi Lynn Picoult

Shop This Style

By Silky Scoop Blouse at AnthropologieAnthropologie $90exact match
Moxy Collective Floral Trousers at AnthropologieAnthropologie $138exact match

Outfit Images

Anthropologie Silky Scoop Blouse worn by Jodi Lynn Picoult on Good Morning America

Anthropologie Silky Scoop Blouse worn by Jodi Lynn Picoult on Good Morning America

Moxy Collective Floral Trousers worn by Jodi Lynn Picoult on Good Morning America

Moxy Collective Floral Trousers worn by Jodi Lynn Picoult on Good Morning America

Jodi Lynn Picoult on Good Morning America on ABC was spotted wearing this orange top and floral pants on Good Morning America on Mar 27 2023's episode. 's Top is the Silky Scoop Blouse by Anthropologie . 's Pants is the Floral Trousers by Moxy Collective.