Mary’s lilac double breasted blazer on Good Morning America

  • Pin itMary’s lilac double breasted blazer on Good Morning America

Picture: ABC

Outfit Details

Jacket: Miller Dickey Jacket by Veronica Beard

Pants: Brianne Pintuck Crepe Pants in Ivory by Cinq a Sept

Worn by: Mary Bruce
Posted on: June 30, 2023
Posted by: Mina
Tags: Good Morning America Mary Bruce

Also worn on

Rachel Brosnahan’s lilac double breasted blazer on The View
Mary’s lilac double breasted blazer on Good Morning America
Martha’s lavender double breasted blazer on Good Morning America
Elizabeth’s lilac double breasted blazer on Good Morning America
Sheryl’s lilac blazer on The Talk

Shop This Style

Shop Veronica Beard Miller Dickey Jacket at Saks Fifth AvenueSaks Fifth Avenue $698exact match
Veronica Beard Miller Stretch Cotton Dickey Jacket at NordstromNordstrom $698exact match
Miller Dickey Jacket at RevolveRevolve $698exact match
Veronica Beard Miller Dickey Jacket at Neiman MarcusNeiman Marcus $698exact match
Veronica Beard double-breasted Blazer - at FarfetchFarfetch $673exact match
Cinq Sept Brianne Crop Pants at NordstromNordstrom $285exact match
Shop Cinq Sept Brianne Pintuck Crepe Pants at Saks Fifth AvenueSaks Fifth Avenue $295exact match
Access to this page has been denied at Neiman MarcusNeiman Marcus $285exact match
Cinq agrave Sept Brianne Pants Bloomingdales at BloomingdalesBloomingdales $295exact match


Outfit Images

Veronica Beard Miller Dickey Jacket worn by Mary Bruce on Good Morning America

Veronica Beard Miller Dickey Jacket worn by Mary Bruce on Good Morning America

Cinq a Sept Brianne Pintuck Crepe Pants in Ivory worn by Mary Bruce on Good Morning America

Cinq a Sept Brianne Pintuck Crepe Pants in Ivory worn by Mary Bruce on Good Morning America

Mary Bruce on Good Morning America on ABC was spotted wearing this lilac double breasted blazer on Good Morning America on Jun 30 2023's episode. Mary's Jacket is the Miller Dickey Jacket by Veronica Beard . Mary's Pants is the Brianne Pintuck Crepe Pants in Ivory by Cinq a Sept.