Gina’s red and black marled sweater on Brooklyn Nine-Nine

  • Pin itGina’s red and black marled sweater on Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Picture: NBC

Outfit Details

Sweater: Space Dye Jumper by Topshop

Worn on: Brooklyn Nine-Nine episode "Beach House" - 2x12
Worn by: Gina Linetti played by Chelsea Peretti
Posted on: January 4, 2015
Posted by: Linda
Tags: Brooklyn Nine-Nine Gina Linetti

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Space Dye Jumper at TopshopTopshop $76exact match

Outfit Images

Topshop Space Dye Jumper worn by Chelsea Peretti on Brooklyn 99Pin it

Topshop Space Dye Jumper worn by Chelsea Peretti on Brooklyn 99

Gina Linetti (played by Chelsea Peretti) on Brooklyn Nine-Nine on NBC was spotted wearing this red and black marled sweater on Brooklyn Nine-Nine on episode 'Beach House' (2x12) in Jan 2015. Gina's Sweater is the Space Dye Jumper by Topshop.