Pants: Tavia Pants by Trina Turk
Necklace: Atelier Pendant Necklace by Lizzie Fortunato
Earrings: Helios Stud Earrings In Burgundy by Lizzie Fortunato
Bag: Adrian Bag in Merlot Nerina by Brahmin
Dani Dupree (played by Karla Mosley) on Beyond the Gates on CBS was spotted wearing this red long sleeved top and striped pants on Beyond the Gates on Mar 18 2025's episode. Dani's Pants is the Tavia Pants by Trina Turk . Dani's Necklace is the Atelier Pendant Necklace by Lizzie Fortunato . Dani's Earrings is the Helios Stud Earrings In Burgundy by Lizzie Fortunato . Dani's Bag is the Adrian Bag in Merlot Nerina by Brahmin.