Mariah’s grey crochet sweater on The Young and the Restless

  • Pin itMariah’s grey crochet sweater on The Young and the Restless

Picture: CBS

Outfit Details

Sweater: Crochet Stitch Pullover from Anthropologie

Worn by: Mariah Copeland played by Camryn Grimes
Posted on: December 29, 2015
Posted by: Linda
Tags: The Young and the Restless Mariah Copeland

Shop This Style

Crochet Stitch Pullover at AnthropologieAnthropologie $158exact match

Outfit Images

Anthropologie Crochet Stitch Pullover worn by Mariah Copeland (Camryn Grimes) on The Young and the RestlessPin it

Anthropologie Crochet Stitch Pullover worn by Mariah Copeland (Camryn Grimes) on The Young and the Restless

Mariah Copeland (played by Camryn Grimes) on The Young and the Restless on CBS was spotted wearing this grey crochet sweater on The Young and the Restless on Dec 29 2015's episode. Mariah's Sweater is the Crochet Stitch Pullover from Anthropologie.