About WornOnTV

WornOnTV is a website dedicated to the wardrobes of TV characters. We show you where to buy exact and similar items worn on your favorite shows! Just click the products in the "Shop This Style" section of each post or use the item information provided to shop IRL.

Established in January 2012 by resident internet nerd Linda Wilks, WornOnTV was born from a passion for bridging the gap between on-screen fashion and real-world wardrobe inspiration. Initially a fun side project, Linda found herself hooked on scouring the internet for hours in search of exact match items. Her mission became helping people identify, locate, and purchase the outfits worn by their favorite characters from the most popular television shows, turning this passion into a resource for fashion enthusiasts everywhere.

Linda is joined by two dedicated contributors, Mina and Steph. Each brings their own unique skills and enthusiasm, greatly contributing to the growth of the site. Their tireless efforts and knowledge have been invaluable. In addition, the team is also exceptionally fortunate to have regular contributions from Nick, whose dedication and passion for the project has been a remarkable asset. Together, they contribute to a shared mission: building the largest, most accurate, and best database of everything seen on television wardrobes.

How It Works

Browse: Search our database by show, character, or episode. You can also dive head first into the Latest Posts section. Tired of seeing out of stock items? Try the available items page for items that are purchasable right now (we checked!).

Discover: Click on an outfit to view more details, including the brand, price, and availability of each item.

Shop: Use the product links provided to purchase the exact or similar items from your favorite online retailers.

Featured on

Wall Street Journal     Mashable     Life Hacker     Today     Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?    

A Few Stats..

Total shows: 477
Outfits posted: 136191
Exact match products listed: 220947
Linda Wilks

About Linda

  • 30-something mama to 2 small humans & 2 cats.
  • Fav shows: Mr Mayor, The White Lotus, The Last Of Us, TSLOCG, true-crime-anything, The Office forever.
  • Hobbies: You're here! Anything web & nerdy.

email me

WornOnTV is not associated with any networks or shows, we are completely independant.

Worn on TV is a registered trademark, so no funny business, babe.