Where to buy clothes worn on Disney+'s She-Hulk Attorney at Law.


She-Hulk: Attorney at Law is a Disney+ TV show based on the iconic superhero from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The show’s titular character is Jennifer Walters, a 30-something lawyer who transforms into a powerful green superhuman after getting in a car crash with her cousin Bruce Banner, aka the original Hulk. His blood gets cross-contaminated with hers, causing Walters to have the same abilities and super strength that he has. Jen is determined to keep her job as a lawyer and continues working in sensible (yet unbelievably stretchy) suits. Jen's offsider Nikki brings color, style, and fun to the office. She-Hulk's supremely extra nemesis Titania makes a strong impression with extreme cuts and bedazzled-everything.

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WornOnTVCeleb Style Under $100
Zw Collection Poplin Dress at ZaraZara$89.90
Nellie Floral Minidress at NordstromNordstrom$58
Superdown Pollie Dress at RevolveRevolve$78
Chelsea28 Floral Ruffle Strap Handkerchief Hem Dress at NordstromNordstrom$99.50

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